edit phpmyadmin password creat database or add new user
feilong.org 修订于2005-01-25 04:19:18 448 次浏览In order to install php website,you should have a database username and password.Feilong want to creat a new database and user usually through phpmyadmin on cpanel or wamp.But how to use phpmyadmin?here is an example feilong use wamp(refer to http://feilong.org/wamp-setup-en ) on localhost,this post updated on March 25 2010 by feilong,url is http://feilong.org/phpmyadmin-database-user-en
One,how to edit the password of phpmyadmin?
1.Enter phpmyadmin first of course.
2.click "databases"
4.The line where user is root and host is localhost?Click the pencil button.
5."Change password",input your new password,then "GO".If you refresh the webpage,you can notice that phpmyadmin warining appears!
6.Open “wamp\apps\phpmyadmin 2.11.6\config.inc.php"
7.CTRL+F,find"MySQL password (only needed)",edit the password(on left) to the password you have changed just now.
8.refresh phpmyadmin.ok?
Two,how to creat database on phpmyadmin?
2."Create new database "
Three,how to bundle database and user together?That is,phpmyadmin Database-specific privileges
2.Click"Add a new User ",then "Login Information",input user name"feilong" host"localhost"and password"******"
3.Next"Global privileges",data choose all but file,Structure choose all but drop,Administration choose "grant"and"lock tables".Then "GO"
4.Next"Database-specific privileges" "Add privileges on the following database",choose the database you creat before.Then "Database-specific privileges",click "Check All"and "GO"
5.Click"privileges",ok,you have bundled a database and a user together!
Four,some feilong tips
1.how to install mediawiki on wamp,http://feilong.org/mediawiki-install-en
2.how to install wordpress mu on wamp localdomain,http://feilong.org/install-wordpress-mu-wamp-localdomain
3.how to setup wamp http://feilong.org/wamp-setup-en
4.The Chinese editon of this post,http://feilong.org/wamp-setup
5.if you dont like wamp,you can choose xampp instead,http://feilong.org/xampp-setup-en
最初发布:20050125 04:19:18 feilong.org 于广州
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