

Install WordPress MU With WAMP In Windows Localhost localdomain

feilong.org 修订于2006-07-25 01:44:12 435 次浏览

How To Install WordPress MU With WAMP In Windows Localhost localdomain?

Feilong want to Install WordPress MU In Windows Localhost before I install it on the server.So I setup the famous windows loacalhost server WAMP  in C:\wamp successfully.Then I put the wordpress mu files here as "C:\wamp\www\wpmu\" and tried to install wordpress mu through "http://localhost/wpmu",but a Warning appeared:

Installing to http://localhost/ is not supported. Please use http://localhost.localdomain instead.

localhost.localdomain? What is the meanning? local virtualhost?How to set up virtual hosting in Windows system?Here is the answer below,

1.Start-->all programs--> right click the Notepad and select "Run As Administrator".
2.File--Open,select "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc/hosts"
3.Insert a line as: localhost.localdomain

4.Save and close the file.

5.Run "http://localhost.localdomain" in ie or firefox etc.wamp still goes well.

6.But now feilong can not open "http://localhost.localdomain/phpmyadmin/".So feilong open "C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1\config.inc.php",and replace"localhost"to "localhost.localdomain".A few minutes later I can open "http://localhost.localdomain/phpmyadmin/" aha!

7.Then "http://localhost.localdomain/phpmyadmin",and creat a new database and user for the wordpress mu((refer to http://feilong.org/wamp-setup-en

8.Then "http://localhost.localdomain/wpmu",begins  wordpress mu installing on localhost!

This post was edited for 3 times till March 25 2010.The Chinese edition here http://feilong.org/wordpress-mu-wamp-localdomain

最初发布:20060725 01:44:12 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress 网站开发

