Install bbpress and Integration with WordPress 修订于2010-06-28 12:58:31 431 次浏览Bbpress is a little but strong forum or sns software.Feilong want to install bbpress for my wordpress,but how to install it and specially how to integration it with WordPress? This post url is twice by feilong on july 27 2010 for you my friend.
Firstly, install wordpress,referring to
Secondly,install bbpress step by step as below.
1. Download bbPress here
2. Upload the uncompressed files to your server through Filezilla.
Or you can unzip bbpress package online through cPane,for eaxmple the lunarpages host cPanel.
3. Download your language package and upload the files to "my-languages".Note: You should create my-languages directory just under the bbpress directory.
4. Visit the intended URL of the bbPress site.for eaxmple
5. Follow the instructions of the screen,input your database infomation.Do NOT be hurry to integration with WordPress.
6. Install bbpress successfully and you get the password of administrator account of bbpress.
8. login you bbpress admin backend.Turn to 'options wordpress'.
9. Do just as the tips in this page.
最初发布:20100628 12:58:31 于广州
所在分类: wordpress
新作:wordpress print custom fields or include custom fields to print