

simplest steps how to install wordpress

feilong.org 修订于2010-07-02 07:14:12 321 次浏览

If you want to set up your independent blog online with your own domain and host,feilong suggests you to use wordpress.

WordPress is one of the best bloggiing software,and easy to use,easy to customlize the functiong or layout.And you can update the programme just by one click.

Perhaps wordpress is not the best blog open source ever since,but there are many many persons or companies who like it and provide many many plugins and themes.Moree over you can use it to start your own company site,your e shop online,even a travel site like www.anxinlvyou.com

Here feilong writes about the simplest steps of how to install wordpress,the post url is  http://feilong.org/wordpress-install-en by feilong in Shenzhen on july 28,2010.Chinese edition of this post:http://feilong.org/wordpress-install

ONE, requirements
1.your domain.such as yilulu.com ,a good domain from godaddy.com,refer to http://feilong.org/domains
2.A webhosting,supporting mysql and mysql,such as lunarpages.com refer to http://feilong.org/domains
3.The database information,indcluding databasename username and password. if you have a cpanel account you can get it by yourself.if not,ask your webhosting provider for it.

TWO, download some wordpress edition
1.WordPress release archive here,http://wordpress.org/download/release-archive chose the latest one or whatever you like most.
2.OR download wordpress in Your language http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language

THREE, upload wordpress or to the webhosting root or some directory.
1.if you have cpanel,upload through file manager and unzip online
2.if not,unzip the wordpress package locally,then upload the files with filezilla or other ftp tools.

FOUR, install wordpress online
1. open your internet brower,input your domain name and enter.
2. input database infos for wp-config.php.For eaxmple:
define('DB_NAME', 'feilongorg_datebase'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'feilongorg'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
3. next input infos as you like.
4. installed wordpress successfully,and copy the password which generates by wordpress.

FIVE, cchange the admin password.
1.login the backend with admin and the copied password above.
2.to user tab,change the password as you like.

ENJOY!Wordpress is a best platform of blogging designing or coding!

Feilong Notes:
1.forget the password for admin?refer to http://feilong.org/wordpress-forget-password-en
2.how to reinstall wordpress,refer to http://feilong.org/wordpress-reinstall-en
3.you can update wordpress automaticly at backend.BACKUP your database first with database manager plugin.
refer to http://feilong.org/wordpress-plugins-must
4.love and look for beautiful and cool wordpress themes?refer to http://feilong.org/wordpress-themes-feilong

最初发布:20100702 07:14:12 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress

