

飞龙收集网页截图插件firefox website snapshot addons

feilong.org 修订于2009-07-21 10:32:00 299 次浏览

飞龙收集一下网页截图插件,主要是firefox浏览器的插件,website snapshot addons for firefox。最基本的网页截图可以用print screen sysrq键然后粘贴到photoshop,但是只能抓取能看到的那一部分,无法一下子抓取整个网页截图。用过类似snapit之类网页截图软件工具,但飞龙想找一下网页截图插件,毕竟需要网页截图时不需东找西找打开firefox就可以了。本日志修订地址:http://feilong.org/website-snapshot-addons  。2009年7月16日第一次修订。firefox浏览器网页截图插件,有一些无法抓取视频播放器和Flash动画。

Page Saver Basic:Pearl Crescent,Save an image of a web page including Flash content
飞龙提示:可以拍动画,需要在page saver选项里面设置(when loading webpages,arrange to save flash content)。

Screengrab:saves webpages as images.capture what you can see in the window or the entire page

FireShot:creates screenshots of web pages (entirely or just visible part).provides editing and annotation tools

Pixlr:screen grabs from the web

WebShots:Takes Screen Shots of web sites

Capture Fox:You can capture your screen and record your voice to make screencasts (tutorials, e-lessons, etc.).

Abduction:Capture an entire web page or part of a web page and save it as an image

Total Validator:multiple validations and take screen shots

Talon:Take screen shots and edit images directly from your browser

Grab Them All:takes screenshot of sites as JPG or PNG file to selected directory

飞龙后话:Maxthon 2.0 浏览器增加网页截图功能。Safari浏览器截图插件Web Snapper

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最初发布:20090721 10:32:00 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: 网站开发

