

丑陋的wordpress2.51后台ugly wordpress dashboard

feilong.org 修订于2008-05-01 06:28:02 201 次浏览

飞龙于是新开了一个博客yilulu.com,看看被吹嘘重新架构的wordpress2.51后台设计应该好看点了吧?不料令我大失所望。本来wordpress 2.3.3这个后台样式风格就够丑的,wordpress2.51后台风格更丑陋!


还有一点对wordpress不满的地方就是,它的插件太多了眼花缭乱,而它本身的结构和功能太简陋了!比如分页功能,还要用什么 pagenave 或pagebar之类插件,对于中国人来说,分页的功能应该就是博客最基本的功能嘛!也许是该尝试一下别的博客系统了,比如MT、zblog。到再做博客的时候,不用wordpress了。

wordpress2.3.3 has an ugly dashboard,then I open a new blog  yilulu.com to have a look if the wordpress2.5.1 has a dashboard perhaps a little beautiful? But it is a great pity that it isn't.

feilong said that the color is too bad to say it is harmony at all,though the dashboard offers two default styles .Even more,the layout is more ugly than wordpress 2.3.3 either!no content in fact but broard layout as a fat.Thinking to press a post under such a dashboard !

Another regret is , wordpress has too many plugins to choose,yet,its own function is TOO simply!For example,the funtion of pages,you have to depend on such plugins as pagenave or pagebar.WHY it depends on plugins,Did the funtion of pages not a basic funtion as a blog programme? Perhaps,I should have a try of other plog platform such as mt or zblog next time.

最初发布:20080501 06:28:02 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress

