

two wpmu plugins:Sitewide Tags and XML Sitemap

feilong.org 修订于2008-12-21 08:04:00 354 次浏览

One, Sitewide Tags Blog
This plugin created by Donncha it's creates a new blog on your WordPress MU for all the posts on your site, much like http://feilong.org/tags

For performance reasons the number of posts is limited to a user configurable amount, and the blog itself can be made indexable by search engines or not. need more info? checkout Donncha's blog.


  1. Copy sitewide-tags.php into wp-content/mu-plugins/
  2. Login as a site administrator and go to Site Admin, Options. A number of extra options are created:
    1. "Tags blog" defaults to "tags" but can be anything. This is the blog where your sitewide posts will live. It will be created if it doesn't exist.
    2. "Max posts" defaults to 5000. Older posts will be deleted if this threshold is broken.
    3. "Privacy" defaults to public, pages can be indexed by search engines.

Download here: WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags

Two, Standard XML Sitemap
This plugin is generate a standard XML sitemap for WordPressMU's blog and add sitemap url into robots.txt. It's function like feed.

Installation for WordPressMU User

1. Upload 'xml-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/mu-plugins/' directory
2. Upload 'feed-sitemap.php' to the '/wp-content/includes/' directory
3. check your sitemap url like http://yourblogurl.com/sitemap.xml

Download here: Standard XML Sitemap

最初发布:20081221 08:04:00 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress

