

Google Analytics plugin for wordpress mu

feilong.org 修订于2006-07-29 02:41:16 253 次浏览

Google Analytics is a free powerful system on traffic reporting of your site eg wordpress mu or wordpress.It tells you how people found your site,which search terms they have used,how long they were wandering about your site,how many pages they viewed,so and on.Google Analytics helps you attract more of the traffic,and help you turn more visitors into customers.

feilong's blog of wordpess have used Google Analytics,not just insert the Analytics code in <body>,but use a wordpress plugin,that is ultimate-google-analytics

One,google Analytics here signup,then you get the code

Two,you can Paste the code on your site before the <body>,but if you use ultimate-google-analytics plugin,you should found the site's Account ID

There,found your site's Account ID here

Four,download ultimate-google-analytics from wordpress.org,unzip and upload it to wp-content/plugins/ .Feilong tips,if you are using wordpress2.7,you can search install and activate any plugin just in your site's endback.

Five,Click Options,input the Account ID,that is ok.

Another web statistics system for wordpress mu FireStats

Chinese edition of this post:http://feilong.org/ultimate-google-analytics-cn

最初发布:20060729 02:41:16 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress

