

How to import wp3.0.1 single-user into multi-user

feilong.org 修订于2010-08-08 04:40:14 283 次浏览

How to import wp3.0.1 single-user blog content into wordpress multi-user site?Today, feilong spent 2 hours debugging, and finally succeeded. This
post's update url: http://feilong.org/import-wordpress3-single-to-multiple-en edit twice on August 8,2010 Shenzhen

1,Feilong tested a single-user wp3.0.1 blog on localhost. Blog categories,links,posts,comments and other wordpress data have been added.
2,But the site online is a multiple-user wp3.0.1 blog updated from wpmu2.9.2.Is it possible to import a single-user wp3.0.1 blog into a multiple-user one?
3,Then how to correctly import the local test data of a single-user wp3.0.1 into a multi-user wordpress3.0.1 online?

Feilong created a new blog in the backend of multi-user wordpress3.0.1 online, named: bjloto.aneave.com,then use Tool - import, but feilong found that the categories' ids had been changed, and not the same as the local categories in hierarchical level. And the posts' ids were changed too. Thoese were clearly not what I want.

So feilong tried phpmyadmin to operate mysql database.Here is the steps.

First feilong backup the local mysql database by exporting, opened the export file with Editplus in utf-8 encoding ,and modified the table prefix according the table prefix online.

Second feilong emptied all the tables online in the phpmyadmin, and imported the edited sql data.

Success already?However,some local data does not meet the configuration of the online hosting.Feilong could not find my new blog at the backend of the multiple-user wordpress 3.0.1.Alas,feilong found it at the ms-sites,so feilong checked the infomation and changed them to meet theconfiguration of the multiple-user wordpress 3.0.1 online.

Last,feilong checked the themes, plugins, categories, links,and found that,on the page of my sites of super admin,the new blog name bjloto.aneave.com appears! But its backgound color was light yellow, originally marked as sparm, so feilong unsparm it, but there are pale yellow still,it was achieved?Then feilong unachieve it.

Hahaha,it seemed everything's ok.

最初发布:20100808 04:40:14 feilong.org 于广州


所在分类: wordpress

