business wordpress theme ledcfl 3.0 修订于2010-08-09 07:18:44 326 次浏览Haviing spent two weeks or more on designing dreamwearing and coding the wordpress theme for led or cfl comany, felong publish this business wordpress theme which is felong's second WordPress theme ever since. As for some company makiing or selling led lights or dimming lights or energy-saving lamps,feilong named it based on WordPress.3.0.1, so feilong directly use ledcfl 3.0 for you to recognize it. The theme update url is edited by feilong on August 9 in Shenzhen China.
Although its main aim is at lights industry or company,the basic structure is also ok for other enterprises, particularly companies research produce or sell commodities.
The following is the main features of this business wordpress ledcfl 3.0
1, Ledcfl 3.0 including 3 large plates: the company, products, information. Clear thinking, rational structure. It is a window for showing the company,a platform for promoting the company, and a base for business development online. According to your customers' demands, feilong will further develop it into an online store.So it is for enterprise, for a blog and a eShop for you to develop B2C or B2B.
2, The website main navigation bar is made of a pure css and semantic html codes, compatible to the international standards of html and css. while the colors of initial links,hover links current links are different.It has clear structure and good user experience.
3, the website logo designed by pure css,it has dynamic effects of blinking stars,combinating with the ad message"activate Star Emmanuel",it is so creative and innovative.
4, using jQuery technology feilong designed the postslider,it can automatically invoke recently released post titles,this can be used for highlighting the enterprise products.
5, Various sidebars, different contents.the design of the pure cssed navigation menu is unique and fresh to your eyes. On company pages, the sidebar displays the main pages.On product pages, the sidebar shows the categories of the products. On infomation pages, the sidebar lists the categories of articles. Thus the WordPress theme has a related and different structure.
6, The common content at sidebar is Why us, or join us, which highlights the purpose of the company site.
7, On the product pages, feilong did not use any WordPress Thumbnail plugins,I realized the list of thumbnails of every product to enhance the site load capacity.
8, On information pages, on the left of the post,there is a dedicated advertising area, usually to promote the company's products or services.It is the native advertising. When users came to the site through search engines, the first place is some of the information pages.if he or she is interested in the content they should be interested in the company's products as well.
9, On the company pages, you can insert image animation video and other medias to show your company.
10, On pages of the details of product and information,there is a sliding navigation bar below the content.It is of pure css too,so users can easily find similar posts,next post,preposts,and of course the product categories. This further enhanced the user experience.
11, Feilng has test it in ie7, ie8, Firefox, opera, Safari, chrome, Maxthon, Sogou, 360 and other browsers,and the site display well.The only flaws is that,in ie6 the postslider is not normal.This dues to ie6's bad cache function, it repeately read php code and generated html onece more. Therefore feilong strongly recommend that you upgrade ie6 to ie8, for the security of your computer, for reducing development time of web designers or developers.
12 single-user WordPress blog with multi-language changable, Contact feilong here
13, Search engines effective,including code optimization, image optimization and so on.
14, Automatically generated sitemap without plugins.
15, support comments, anti-spam.
16, front page editorial for webmasters to check the website content freely.
WordPress Theme ledcfl business presentation addresses:
最初发布:20100809 07:18:44 于广州
所在分类: wordpress